Submission "*" indicates required fields I am submitting a*News or Sports StoryStory for the Departments SectionAudio SegmentVideoPhotoPhoto GallerySpecial FeatureOtherMy Name* First Last Names of other people who worked on this project (if any; indicate who did what): Add RemoveMy Email* I created this work for the following class:*MDST2000 - News GatheringMDST2030 - News Writing and EditingMDST3180 - Radio BroadcastingMDST3210 - Videography IMDST3200 - Photo Based PracticesMDST4040 - Multimedia JournalismMDST4240 - Videography IIITitle of Work*Upload FileAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, png, mov, mp4, Max. file size: 64 MB. Accepted file types: zip, doc, jpg, pdf, doc, docx, png, jpeg. • Ensure your document is clearly named and labelled (E.g. JANE.DOE_Student Fees) • Upload audio files as .mp3 or .wav • Upload video files as .mov or .mp4 If you have trouble compressing your file or unclear about any of these requirements, please contact Marc Tavares at marc.tavares@guelphhumber.caEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.